Argentiinlane esitleb 22. detsembril Tallinnas tasuta tantsulise etteaste ‘Sugu ja seksuaalsus’
Veel enne jõulupühasid on kõigil huvilistel võimalik saada ainukordse kogemuse osaliseks, kui Ladina-Ameerikast eesti talve sõitnud argentiinlane Gustavo Soto esitleb esmakordselt Euroopas oma tantsulist etteastet pealkirjaga ‘Sugu ja seksuaalsus’ Tallinnas, OMA Keskuses (Kaarli pst 5-1). Tasuta sündmus toimub esmaspäeval, 22. detsembril 2014 algusega kell 18.30 ning kestab orienteeruvalt tund aega.
Vabaühingul Involved on taaskord hea meel tuua Eestisse sertifitseeritud tantsija, koreograaf ja näitejuht Hr Gustavo Soto, kes on peale oma esimest Euroopas käiku ja Tallinna väisamist ning esinemist siinses vanalinnas 2013. aasta suvel on otsustanud meid taas külastada. Seekord etendades kolme tema poolt loodud artistlikku teost: ‘Minu kleidis’, ‘Fuksia’ ja ‘Duaalne’.
Gustavo väljendab oma visiooni, positsiooni ning hoiakuid ühiskonna selliste teemade suhtes nagu sugu, seksuaalsus, integratsioon, eksperimenteerides oma esitluses tango ja modernse tantsuga.
Kuna sündmusest osavõtjate arv on piiratud, palume kindlasti eelnevalt eelregistreerida veebilingil
Kriitikud on öelnud, et ‘Gustavo Soto pakub oma etendusega teost, mis integreerib kõige paremini mitmeid elemente, mis tulevad lavale valgusena, muusikana ning keha näol. Võimalik on jälgida kriteeriume, mis ühendavad performance’i, harmoneerudes visuaalsed ja auditoorsed märgid. Show praegu. Kunstiline show.’ Gustavo tehtud tööde, visuaalse materjali, sealhulgas videklippidega saad eelnevalt tutvuda veebis.
Täpsem informatsioon:
Angel Casal / / 555 96 458
Vabaühing Involved / / fb: involvedngo
Argentina – Estonia – Breaking Artistic Borders: Performing arts festival

Involved is pleased to host again dancer, choreographer and stage director Mr Gustavo Soto. After his first successful step in Tallinn in summer 2013, he is visiting us again and this time with three new artistic proposals.
With the special collaboration of our partner OMA keskus, this venue will be the meeting point on Monday, December 22 at 18:30 in the evening, when such artistic proposals will be presented
Date: December 22nd, 2014
Time: 18:30 Hs (duration maximum one hour)
Venue: OMA keskus (Kaarli pst 5-1, 10119 Tallinn)
Price: FOR FREE!!!
Attendance: pre-registration via email to or through the following link: Registration online
Event has limited number of places, therefore please register on time.
Artistic programme and further information about Gustavo Soto’s visit in ESTONIA
PERFORMANCE samples that will be presented in Tallinn by Gustavo Soto:
A man, a dress, a skirt, music, movements that accompany moments and meanings …
“At some point in life identity is sought, through the feelings, desires and self-recognition …”
3) “Dual…”
“Language of a moving body, accompanied by original music of tango, passing a male – female role, through which flow sensuality, acceptance and choice of being” …
This work takes the form of a thesis presentation of the name of the subject area addressed Fuchsia: Gender and Sexuality. The work and the reasons for enrolling in a field that problematize some preconceptions about the relationship between biology and sexual selection.
The overall aim of this exhibition is the presentation of a work that interrogates some habitualities regarding the dimension of sexuality and gender in contemporary societies.The specific objectives of this presentation are:
– to identify some current conceptions of the distinctions of gender and sexuality
– to characterize some current discussions about masculinity and gender as performative. Deepen from the aesthetic look in some of the discussions arising from the conception of gender as performance
– based on the process of building the work Fuchsia
– removing some tentative about the links between gender and choice of performance and artwork conclusions
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