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Projektist üldiselt
NordPlus projekt Green Minded soovib oma tegevustega aidata just 18-24-aastaseid (töötuid) noori:
- suurendades nende teadlikkust keskkonnaalastest probleemidest;
- muutes nende mõtlemist ning käitumist erinevates valdkondades: kodu, töökoht ja vaba aeg;
- jõustades keskkonnaalast sotsiaalset ettevõtlikkust ja aktiivset kodakondsust.
Balti riikide arendusprojekt kaasab suurel hulgal koostööpartnereid: õpetatakse välja 24 täiskasvanust koolitajat, koolitustel osaleb 120 töötut noort ning arendatakse ja viiakse ellu vähemalt 24 ökoinitsiatiivi või väikesemahulist keskkonnaprojekti. Koolitus kombineeritakse e-õppega ning sellest saavad kasu lisaks Eestile, Lätile ja Leedule ka teised.
Projektis osalejad ei muuda üksnes oma mõttemalle, hoiakuid ja käitumisi, vaid arendavad mitmekülgseid oskusi, mis on vajalikud tänapäeva tööturul: suhtlemine, sotsiaalne ja kodanikupädevus, kriitiline mõtlemine, loovus, digitaalsed oskused, meeskonnatöö ja ettevõtlikkus. See kõik aitab neil olla konkurentsivõimelisem tööturul.
Rahvusvaheline projekt Green Minded sai alguse mais 2021 ning seda finantseerib NordPlus täiskasvanuhariduse programm. Esimesel e-kohtumisel:
- vaadati üle projekti ülesehitus;
- partnerid Lätist, Leedust ja Eestist jagasid oma kogemust keskkonnaharidusest, ettevõtlikkusest ja mitteformaalsest haridusest,
- esitleti keskkonnateemalisi projekte Sustainability, Heritage, Health – SHH, A Tale of 2 Futures;
- arutleti partnerite rolli üle projektis;
- vaadati üle vajaduste analüüsi küsimustik ning sarnased projektid ja parimad praktikad;
- räägiti õppekava võimalikust struktuurist ning
- pandi paika järgmised sammud oluliste tähtaegadega.
Esimene silmast silma partnerluskohtumine toimus 6-7 augustil 2021 Vilniuses. Pikkade arutelude ja hoolika planeerimise tulemusena pandi paika projekti hilisemas faasis liituvate noorte koolitajate poolt eeldatav mõju projektile. Kohtumisel osalenud kogenud partnerid Eestist (Involved), Lätist (Social Innovation Centre) ja Leedust (Ziniu kodas) olid väga õnnelikud, et said lõpuks silmast silma kohtuda. Aasta lõpuks luuakse ühiselt e-koolitusprogramm Moodle’isse ja sinna juurde kuuluvad materjalid, mida noortejuhid saavad kasutama hakata. Paari aasta jooksul loodame jõuda mitmete sadade noorteni Baltikumis.
Projekti kohta saad lähemalt lugeda veebisaidilt.
Huvi korral võta ühendust info@involved.ee

Project “Green Minded” is a Nordplus Adult Collaboration project, that involves 3 partners from the Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
According to the World Economic Forum (2020), COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn have forced millions of people into unemployment, and those aged 18-24 have been largely affected.
The main project target group is young adults as having the highest rate of unemployment they need to have support for using their potential in contributing to environmental problems, following UN 2030 Global Goals for Sustainable Development, a priority in EU Strategic Agenda 2019-2024: “building a climate-neutral, green, fair and social Europe”.
The Nordplus Adult Collaboration project “Green Minded” is aimed:
- to increase young adults’ awareness of environmental problems,
to change their thinking and behaviour in different areas: home, workplace and leisure, - to enhance environmental social entrepreneurship and active citizenship (including possibilities by EU Green Deal, EU Climate Pact, etc.).
The project will have a high involvement of stakeholders: 24 adult educators will be trained as Green Minded Facilitators, and potentially 120 unemployed adults will participate directly in the training, at least 24 eco-initiatives/small-scale environmental projects will be developed and implemented by participating
adults. Moreover, the training will be combined with e-learning possibilities, which will let reach a broader range of stakeholders not only in the Baltic States but also all over the world.
By participating in the project, adults not only will be changing their minds, attitudes and behaviour, but also will develop transversal skills highly required in nowadays labour market: communication, social, civic competencies, critical thinking, creativity, digital skills, teamwork, and so valued entrepreneurship.
That will help them to improve their employability.

The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the publisher, and the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science – the Administrator of Nordplus Adult is not liable for any use that may be made of the information.
This material is part of the project “Green Minded”, funded by the Nordplus program “Nordplus Adult”, project identification no. NPAD-2021/10159.
PROJECT RESULTS | Achievements of project “GreenMinded”
29/04/2023 GREEN MINDED
After several years of hard work, the “GREENMINDED” project ended on April 30. As part of it, a series of trainings, activities and educational materials were created – all of them can be seen in one place in this post.
This cooperation project “Green Minded” of the Nordplus adult program (Nordplus Adult) aimed at:
promoting the awareness of young adults about environmental problems;
changing their thinking and behavior in a range of settings: at home, at work and in their free time; improve environment-related social entrepreneurship and active civic participation (including opportunities in the EU Green Deal program, the EU Climate Pact, etc.).
Together with experienced partners “Ziniu kodas” (leading partner) from Lithuania and Social Innovation Centre from Latvia, a series of useful materials for leaders of youth activities were created. With these results, we successfully reached several hundred young adults in all Baltic countries. Here is how the project results look like!
Training curriculum
Guidebook for trainers
Online learning course