IMPACT YOUTH - Involved Estonia
17 November, 2016


Sotsiaalsest ettevõtlusest, kogemustest ja ühisrahastusplatvormidest kolmapäeval 27.09.2017 Riias – Lätis

Tahad rohkem teada saada sotsiaalsest ettevõtlusest? Ühisrahastusplatvormidest? Soovid õppida teiste noorte ettevõtjate kogemustest? Tahad innustust viia oma idee või projekt uuele tasandile?

kõik kulud, mis on seotud transportimisega Eestist ja Eestisse, kaetakse 100 % (piletid tuleb esitada pärast sündmust Eestis)

Majutus korraldab korraldaja päeva enne ja konverentside päeval Lätis.

Huvi korral saada palun täidetud KANDIDEERIMISVORM elektronpostile Kirja pealkirjaks: Kandideerimine foorumile Leedus september 2017

Täiendavad küsimused e-postilt / 555 96 458 / 52 917 17 /


Sotsiaalsest ettevõtlusest, kogemustest ja ühisrahastusplatvormidest neljapäeval 14.09.2017 Vilniuses – Leedus.

Tahad rohkem teada saada sotsiaalsest ettevõtlusest? Ühisrahastusplatvormidest? Soovid õppida teiste noorte ettevõtjate kogemustest? Tahad innustust viia oma idee või projekt uuele tasandile?

Loe lähemalt Programmi kohta allpool

kõik kulud, mis on seotud transportimisega Eestist ja Eestisse, kaetakse 100 % (piletid tuleb esitada pärast sündmust Eestis)

Majutus korraldab korraldaja päeva enne ja konverentside päeval Leedus.

Huvi korral saada palun täidetud KANDIDEERIMISVORM elektronpostile Kirja pealkirjaks: Kandideerimine foorumile Leedus september 2017

Täiendavad küsimused e-postilt

Kohtade arv on piiratud! / 555 96 458 / 52 917 17 /


Forum “Social business incubation for youth” Dissemination event of project results “Impact Youth” 

On September 07th (Thursday), 2017 in Kesklinna Youth Centre (Kesklinna Noortekeskus) / Address: Raua tn 23, 2nd floor, Tallinn was held the first of the series of three dissemination project’s events in the frame of project’s results IMPACT YOUTH “Development and promotion of social entrepreneurship among young people” co-financed by the Erasmus + KA2 program “Strategic Youth Partnerships”.

Amongst attendances young people, youth workers, youth organizations, social business start-ups, idea owners, social Entrepreneurs representatives (incubators, social entrepreneurs, Crowd-funding platforms representatives) TOGETHER!

Event was held in the English language and the participation was free of charge (including lunch and coffee breaks for all attendances). A total of 10 foreign representatives from Batics countries, Africa, America and Asia were gathering together with 25 Estonians and participants living in Estonia.

The programme of the event with the duration of a total of 6 hours was opened by one of INVOLVED NGO organization founders, board member and Impact Youth’s project manager, Angel Casal, who in one hour of programme has introduced Impact youth project, its activities and who also introduce to the audience the presentation of guidelines “How to facilitate development of social business incubation for youth” and the presentation of the crowd-funding platform “Impact Youth”. Angel was followed by one of the board members of Estonia Social Enterprise ngo, Estonia
and international trainer Jaan Aps, as the moderator of the whole agenda and also giving his inputs as social entrepreneur trainer. The programme was followed by the presentation of 3 best successful cases from local social entreprenuers to be named: PõhuNõu by Kaur Vahtrik, Happy gifts by Kristiina Kerge and Hooanja by Tüllike Mänd.

To the mentioned local social entrepreneurs the programme included also the inputs of the director of Bridging the Gaps (BTG) from Philipines, who closed the 1st session of the event giving floor to Jaan Aps who gave space for coffe and luch break.

Second session of the event was opened by Jaan Aps in which has summarized and who brought reflections on topics such us: What social enterprise is? Social business enterprise / existing cooperation models / How to initiate cooperation? After 15’ of debate between audience and trainers floor was given to Tüllike Mänd, who introduce Crowdfunding platforms in Estonia, Tüllike presented also Hooadja crowdfunding platform, one of the most successesful platform locally, tackling the following platform related themes: What is it all about? Breaking up fearful conceptions of ideas submissions as well as bringing best cases projects funded by Hooandja; as an inspiration for panel discussion with the audience till the end of her session.

The programme after introduction of crowdfunding platforms in Estonia was followed by Angel Casal, who presented more in details to the audience the IMPACT YOUTH platform “” as part of project results “impact youth”. After project’s result presentation and a little coffee break the programme was followed by Talha Ahmed from AIESEC, Estonia who give presentation on “7 HR Dilemmas in Startups” including HR in Startup, Unique selling proposition (USP), learning and development (L&D) and a general overview of AIESEC ngo in Estonia, its programmes: Global Entrepreneur and Global Talent. Closure input and summary of the event was given by Jaan Aps.

The event has focused on the following objectives to be covered:

To learn: What social enterprise is? Social business enterprise / Existing cooperation models / How to initiate cooperation? How does it work? Crowd-funding platforms: What is it all about? How does it work? Which are the existing cooperation models for youth social business incubation.

To Discuss: About development of social business incubation for youth and networking.

To Explore: Several examples and best practices of social entrepreneurs in Estonia.

To participate? Meet with young people, youth workers, social entrepreneurs representatives from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, France and Italy for exchange of best practices.

Info: / tel +372 555 96458 / tel +372 52 917 17

Event supported by European Commission’s programme Erasmus+



Sotsiaalsest ettevõtlusest, kogemustest ja ühisrahastusplatvormidest neljapäeval Tallinnas

Tahad rohkem teada saada sotsiaalsest ettevõtlusest? Ühisrahastusplatvormidest? Soovid õppida teiste noorte ettevõtjate kogemustest? Tahad innustust viia oma idee või projekt uuele tasandile?

MTÜ INVOLVED korraldab rahvusvahelise foorumi “Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse inkubaator noortele” sel neljapäeval, 07. septembril Tallinnas Kesklinna Noortekeskuses (Raua tn 23) koostöös partneritega Lätist, Leedust, Itaaliast ja Pranstusmaalt. Tule kohale kas ise või oma meeskonna ja sõpradega.

Inglisekeelne tasuta sündmus toimub projekti “Impact Youth” raames ning keskendub selle tulemuste levitamisele, keskendudes noorte osalusele, jagades praktilisi näiteid ja tutvustades ka võrgustike loomist. Analoogsed foorumid toimuvad ka Lätis ja Leedus septembris.

Tegevusprogrammi osad on järgmised:

  • Suuniste tutvustamine: “Kuidas hõlbustada noorte sotsiaalse ettevõtluse inkubatsiooni arengut?”
  • Noorte sotsiaalse ettevõtluse ühisrahastusplatvormi tutvustamine ja edendamine
  • 3 edukat juhtumit tulevaste ettevõtjate motiveerimiseks
  • Paneeldiskussioon: noorte sotsiaalse ettevõtlusinkubatsiooni arendamine ja võrgustike loomine

Päeva modereerib Jaan Aps Sotsiaalsete Ettevõtete Võrgustikust, ühisrahastusplatvormi Hooandja tutvustab Tuulike Mänd, Talha Ahmed AIESEC Eestist räägib inimessursi dilemmadest. Oma kogemusi tutvustavad mitmed noored sotsiaalsed ettevõtjad nii Eestist kui ka väljastpoolt. Tutvustamisele tuleb ka Baltikumi esimene noortele suunatud ühisrahastusplatvorm.

Alustame kl 10.30, lõpetame 16.30 paiku. Täpsem informatsioon siitsamast altpoolt inglise keeles (näiteks päevakava), vajalik eelregistreerimine SIIT.

Kohtade arv on piiratud!

Sündmust toetab Euroopa Komisjoni programm Erasmus+ / 555 96 458 / 52 917 17 /

In English below.


Development and promotion of social business within youth sector”

The Erasmus + project “Development and promotion of social business within youth sector” was launched in October 2016. The main idea of the project is to make youth be more active in a social entrepreneurship field and to create mechanisms to help them.

Forum “Social business incubation for youth”

Dissemination event of project results “Impact Youth”

WHEN: September 07th  (Thursday), 2017 Tallinn – Estonia

WHERE: Kesklinna Youth Centre  (Kesklinna Noortekeskus) / Address: Raua tn 23, 2nd floor, Tallinn


–         Young people

–         Youth workers

–         Youth organizations

–         Social business start-ups, idea owners

–         Social Entrepreneurs representatives (incubators, social entrepreneurs, Crowd-funding platforms representatives) TOGETHER!

TIME: 10:30 – 16:30

Event will be held in the English language and participation is FREE of charge (including lunch and coffee breaks).

A total of 10 foreign representatives getting together with 25 Estonians or participants living in Estonia and, YOU can be one of them!

Limited places. Pre-registration is needed as soon as possible, at the latest 06th September 2017.

Programme: HERE

Show your interest HERE

Learn: What social enterprise is? Social business enterprise / Existing cooperation models / How to initiate cooperation? How does it work? Crowd-funding platforms: What is it all about? How does it work? Which are the existing cooperation models for youth social business incubation.

Discuss: About development of social business incubation for youth and networking.

Explore: Several examples and best practices of social entrepreneurs in Estonia.

Why to participate? Meet with young people, youth workers, social entrepreneurs representatives from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, France and Italy for exchange of best practices.

You will get awards for best participation!

The event is organized by INVOLVED ngo.

Info: / tel +372 555 96458 / tel +372 52 917 17

Please do not hesitate to contact us and see you at the event on September 07th, 2017.

Event is supported by European Commission’s programme Erasmus+

Tallinn, Estonia
Press release: July 2017

Training “How to Create Proper Business Model for Social Enterprise and Prepare Project for Crowd-Funding” was held in Latvia from 03 till 07.07.2017 in Rāmava manor, Latvia.

During 5 days the main objectives of the training were:

–           development of personal skills necessary for social entrepreneur; creation and formulation of social business idea; development of business model and preparation of business idea for publishing in project’s crowd-funding platform on:

Contact information:

Angel Casal, 

project coordinator

About the project:

Project name is: Development and promotion of social business within youth sector

Project is funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 2 strategic partnership programme.

Rahvusvaheline koolitus “Kuidas teha sobiv ärimudel sotsiaalseks ettevõtluseks ning valmistada projekt ette ühisrahastusplatvormiks” Riia lähedal Lätis 03-07 juuli 2017

Kandideerimine: esimesel võimalusel, hiljemalt 28. juunil

Training title: “How to Create Proper Business Model for Social Enterprise and Prepare Project for Crowd-Funding”

When? July 3rd to July 7th 2017 (from Monday to Friday). Arrival is on July 3rd and departure on July 7th.

Where?Rāmava manor, Latvia (30 minutes from Riga’s city center)

For whom? Young people (18-30 years old) with social business ideas owners or start-ups from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. In total 30 persons. Your idea does not have to be much developed. Your willingness to participate is the most important!

Working language: English

Transportation cost: will be reimbursed 100 % upon presenting invoices and tickets from Estonia till training’ spot in Latvia. (Bus will be the main means of transportation. In case of traveling by car petrol invoices instead need to be presented plus car owner’s documentation). Taxi are flight invoices are not reimbursed!

There is no participation fee!


GUESTS from social business field:

BlindArt will come to tell about their experience.

Ghetto games (Ghetto family, basket, football, slam, Ghetto ladies…) will come to one session to tell about promotion and then we will visit them  and have a lunch in Ghetto Burgers, which is a branch of Ghetto family. In Latvia they are very popular.

We also will visit Lienes Somases music studio. Liene is famous singer and she runs social business  – vocal studio for kids

Objectives of the training

–           development of personal skills necessary for social entrepreneur;

–           creation and formulation of social business idea;

–           development of business model;

–           preparation of business idea for publishing in crowd-funding platform (video, ppt, pdf).

Training methods

–           theoretical sessions;

–           presentations;

–           practical sessions;

–           case studies;

–           discussions;

–           networking;

–           overall non-formal training methods

Get to know same of the trainers: here

How to apply: Please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM as soon as possible. We will get in contact with you and if there are no extra questions, we will confirm your participation.

Your participation will be then confirmed after you have purchased your travel tickets to Latvia!

Title of e-mail: Kandideerimine koolitusele Lätti, juuli 2017

More or 555 96 458

Tallinn, Estonia
Press release: April 2017

2nd project management team meeting was held in Italy, Foligno.

On the 12th of April 2017, the second project management team meeting was held in Italy, Foligno. The hosting organization of this meeting was Italian non-profit association VIANDUSTRIAE, which represents modern and contemporary art.

On the meeting which was dedicated to the project which is called Erasmus + „Development and promotion of social business within youth sector” were present representatives of different organizations which are involved in the partnership for this project:

  • Latvia – Social Innovation Center (SIC) as a coordinator of the project
  • Estonia – “INVOLVED MTÜ”
  • Lithuania – “Viesoji istaiga Bendruomeniu kaitos centras”
  • France – “MakeSense”

The meeting started with a welcome speech by the hosting organization after which partners presented themselves and their positions towards the achievement of objectives. During the meeting, it was discussed how to encourage young people to take an active part in the social entrepreneurship, be innovative and creative. More specific, the agenda how to facilitate the development of social business incubation for youth, carrying on a forum “Social business incubation for youth” in each Baltic country, the distribution of work between partners organizations, grants for the project – topics which were outlined at the meeting.

French representative shared their experience of Social entrepreneurship in France with Baltic states. Some examples were provided during the presentation, as CRESS, ANIMAFAC, CJDES, L’ESPER, Enactus, Ticket for Change, Solidarité étudiante, Live for Good, Avise – all of them offer tools for youth to start their social enterprise.

The Italian partner outlined the opinion of Altheo Valentini / Egina, European Grants International Academy Srls who said: I think generally, in Italy, we have some difficulties but we are growing on the issue of social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in the field of youth.”

After that, partners discussed the way of creation of the new platform which would encourage youth to be part of the project. The discussion was followed by the Training «How to create proper business model for social enterprise» which is planned to be held this summer in Latvia, Manor Ramava. Regarding this training, attention was paid to the issue of the selection of participants and the way how to encourage youth to apply. The task of the project is to lead young people on the right way to implement their ideas, give to youth a prompt how to start and show that support for the new ideas actually exists. The main barrier which does not allow youth to reach information directly is how the information is actually spread, the right way must be found through which youth will actually understand everything how it works. As objectives, to increase youth self-esteem, to instill confidence into young people’s minds that they can do everything despite on external obstacles, that young people have been always and always will be the hope of the world for the better future life.

Contact information:

Angel Casal, 

project coordinator

About the project:

Project name is: Development and promotion of social business within youth sector

Project is funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 2 strategic partnership programme.

Tallinn, Estonia
Press release: Febreary 2017

Short Term Joint Staff Training “Practical insight in social business incubation” in project „Development and promotion of social business within youth sector” was hold on 30th of January – 3rd of February Paris, France

The Short Term Joint Staff Training was opened by the Project Coordinator and during the 5 days of the the programe was conducted by all participants partners tackling the following sphares of scopes: How to raise awareness among citizens about social entrepreneurship and engage them?, How to support the emergence and the development of social enterprises?, How to create an innovation space for social enterprises?, How to raise awareness about social entrepreneurship among students? That included the followings activities:

Presentation of host country and its place of work including MakeSense’s incubator, detailed presentation of MakeSense program to support the emergence of social enterprises, MakeSense’s our pedagogical curriculum, Best practice sharing: how to launch social enterprises programs with schools and youth organization?.

Every day Baltic countries were conducting national sessions with project content related as well as participating in ourdoor Creative workshop together with MakeSense local partner “Franco-Quebec Youth Office”. Part of the programme included a visit and meeting with other social innovation space called “La Ruche”.

In the middle of April 2nd Transnational partnership meeting is planned for representatives of Baltic States partner organizations, set in Foligno, Italy.

The aim of the meeting is to finalize the platform including its –

  • Demonstration of prototype, discussion on functionality;
  • Presentation/discussion on necessary content (texts, involvement of partners, translation);
  • Promotion of Platform

Also part of the meeting includes the organization of training that will be held on 2-7 of July in manor Ramava, Latvia.

Contact information:

Angel Casal,

project coordinator

About the project:

Project name is: Development and promotion of social business within youth sector

Project is funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 2 strategic partnership programme.

Intro: Information about the project

This survey is carried out under the Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership in the Youth sector project “Development and promotion of social business within youth sector”. We aim to develop guidelines for youth organizations and youth centres helping them to facilitate social business incubation for youth. By completing this survey, you will help to promote social entrepreneurship and development of business ideas among youth in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The results will be available at, and

Participate in short questionnaire!

Providing answers would take about 15 minutes. Thank you very much for your time and contribution!

Participate in the survey here

Deadline: Friday, 24th of March 2017

Tallinn, Estonia
Press release:  November 2016

Project is coordinated by Social innovation centre (SIC) and there are four partner organizations – “INVOLVED MTÜ” (Estonia), “Viesoji istaiga Bendruomeniu kaitos centras” (Lithuania), “VIAINDUSTRIAE” (Italy) and “MakeSense” (France).

Social entrepreneurship is the economic activity, which providing services or producing goods with the business methods and tools, creates a positive impact on the social and environmental problems with the aim of improving the economic and social situation and create a better life conditions for certain target groups or society as the whole. Social enterprises and organizations are particularly active in the areas where it is possible to create the greatest impact on the socio-economic factors, namely: social security, social and health services, education and training, social tourism, renewable energy, consumer services, industrial and agricultural food production, handicrafts, living environment, public work, as well as in the fields of culture, sport and leisure facilities.

This project has the following objectives:

  • Initiate further process with existing business incubators cooperation with youth NGOs and youth centres for possible mechanisms how to facilitate development social business incubation for youth and the support and develop guidelines;
  • Promote social entrepreneurship idea as positive trend to the society;
  • Encourage young people in innovative and creative thinking, collaborate and take risk;

The first partnership meeting was hold on 20-21 October in Riga, Opera Hotel&Spa conference hall. The meeting was opened by Project Coordinator and presentations of all partners. At the first day of the meeting such questions like project aims and timeline, internal communication and financial issues. The next day followed with discussion about existing crowd-funding internet platform adaptation to social ideas of youth and presentation of the prototype. Partners agreed on platform name – impactyouth, and project new logo.


Besides the adaptation of crowd-funding platform for youth social ideas, project activities include: short term joint staff training for Baltic states project partner representatives provided in France; development of guidelines ”How to facilitate development social business incubation for youth”, translated in 4 languages; intensive workshop-training, 5 days long to train new social entrepreneurs and develop their ideas to publish in platform; one Forum “Social business incubation for youth” in each Baltic country.

In the end of January first short-term training is planned for representatives of Baltic States partner organizations, set in Paris, France. The aim of the training is to get insight and experience of practical aspects and challenges of social business incubation in youth sector.

Contact information:

Angel Casal, project coordinator

About the project:

Project name is: Development and promotion of social business within youth sector.

Project is funded by Erasmus+ Key Action 2 strategic partnership programme.

Social innovation centre (SIC). Latvia


Viesoji istaiga Bendruomeniu kaitos centras. Lithuania


MakeSense. France




This publication was made withinDevelopment and promotion of social business within youth sector” project framework. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of project manager and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission or Agency for International Programs for Youth.