Social Entrepreneurship Network of the Baltic Sea region
Projekti eesmärkideks on hallata ja arendada platformi, et jagada teadmisi ja parimaid praktikaid sotsiaalsetele ettevõtetele, idufirmadele ja teistele huvitatutele ning samuti laiendada võrgustikku. Töötame peamiselt täiskasvanutega, kaasates uusi ja olemasolevaid sotsiaalseid ettevõtjaid ning ka kolmanda ja avaliku sektori esindajaid.
Soovime suuremat nähtavust ja toetust sotsiaalsele ettevõtlusele Läänemere piirkonnas, soodustada sellealase hariduse kättesaadavust täiskasvanutele ning ergutada riikidevahelist koostööd.
Information in English:
The project is the continuation and extend of the established network and maintenance of the e-platform to secure sharing of knowledge and learning among existing social enterprises, potential SE startups and other stakeholders.
The objective of the project is to continue the maintaining, development and widening of new network and share of best practice by promotion, education, advocacy and research about social entrepreneurship within Baltic Sea region countries.
Project intends to work mainly with adults, targeting new and existing social entrepreneurs. As secondary target audience has to be mentioned public institutions, NGO’s, HEI’s and other stakeholders.
The main impact expected to have a wider visibility and support towards social entrepreneurship in Baltic Sea region, foster availability of social entrepreneurship education in adult sector, stimulate cohesion of different regions of Europe.
The project is supported by the Erasmus+ programme and enables informative and educational support for social entrepreneurs and local, national and regional stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region.
On Monday, 9th of November 2020 well known Social Entrepreneurship Support Network partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark and Poland have met for a meeting of “Social Entrepreneurship Networking of the Baltic Sea region” (SENBS) project to discuss the continuation of work on e-platform.
The cooperation during next 2 years will allow to:
publish educational materials and tools on social innovation and social entrepreneurship;
update on the newest impact measurement methodologies;
disseminate information about the support mechanisms for social entrepreneurs;
continue blog on social entrepreneurship and social innovation-related topics;
update the database of social entrepreneurs in the Baltic Sea Region and promote socially responsible businesses in a region;
update the calendar with social entrepreneurship-related events in the region, Europe and world-wide.

Project involves partners from 5 Baltic Sea Region countries:
Involved NGO (Estonia)
Socialas Inovacijas centrs (Latvia)
Socialiniu Investiciju Fondas (Lithuania)
Stowarzyszenie “Baltycki instytut Spraw Europejskich I Regionalnych” – BISER (Poland)
Sociale Entreprenorer i Denmark (Denmark)
The project (nr. 2020-1-EE01–KA204–077999) has officially started in September 2020 and will continue until end of August 2022.
“Social Entrepreneurship Network of the Baltic Sea Region” is funded by Erasmus+.

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
“Social Entrepreneurship Network of the Baltic Sea region”
2nd Transnational partnership meeting
Gdansk- Poland

Press release: January 2022
Gdansk- Poland
Project SENBS has passed the halfway benchmark in flying colours!
To talk about the previous achievements and future plans participant partners met in Gdansk on 24th and 25th January, 2022 in a hybrid format meeting due to the Covod-19 restrictions from some of the participating countries.
Even though the existing pandemic imposed a few logistical changes, the meeting took place in a hybrid format successfully.
Two days meeting discussing about what have been achieved since the implementation of project activities, challenges, remaining time left until the end of the project amongst other. All of the partners were very happy to find out that the mid-term report was accepted with no comments or necessary improvements as noted by Estonian National Agency.
SENBS is a project that allows informing, educating and empowering social entrepreneurs and local, national and regional stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region. But even more so, it is a part of a long standing initiative that revolves around building capacity of this rich resource – e-platform.
The platform is being in constant development and improvements since 2014, and we are happy to highlight this as one of the good practice examples for a sustainable project outcome, because since then it has been actively updated to include the most recent information in the field of Social Entrepreneurship. With that said, one of the goals of the next months in the SENBS project is understanding the future of this site – the potential development and improvement scenarios, as well as continuous collaboration strategies. Amongst project results through the mentioned platform the following information can be found: data base of SE, successful business models, impact measurement methodologies, educational materials up to on-line collaboration tools, webinars and more.
Partner organizations involved in the project are:
Involved NGO (Estonia)
Stowarzyszenie “Baltycki instytut Spraw Europejskich I Regionalnych” – BISER (Poland)
Sociale Entreprenorer i Denmark (Denmark)
Socialiniu Investiciju Fondas (Lithuania)
Socialas Inovacijas centrs (Latvia)

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
“Social entrepreneurship networking of the Baltic Sea region” (SENBS).
Press release: August 2022
Vilnius – Lithuania

The 3rd and Final Evaluation meeting took place in Vilnius, Lithuania together with organisations from Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.
SENBS’s project, which is supported by the EU’s Erasmus+ program, which is essentially a continuation of a partnership that Involved NGO has had since 2020 with organisations in the Baltic Sea countries that support social entrepreneurship in the network “Social Entrepreneurship Support Network in the Baltic Sea Region”.
In addition to maintaining project of the network, the project has further developed and updated the platform which the network has operated together since 2014. The updates have a consisting of updating a common database with social economic enterprises from 12 countries around the Baltic Sea, articles about social entrepreneurs, impact measurement, teaching materials and collaboration tools for social entrepreneurs, as well as to update the common calendar with events from around the world for social entrepreneurs etc…The platform has gradually developed into a significant video resource for social entrepreneurs. Here you can find: A database of social economic industries and a database of support organizations for social entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea area, a large library of articles on social entrepreneurship, impact measurement projects, successful social economic business models and digital educational material.
The idea behind the platform is, in addition to being a knowledge resource for social entrepreneurship, also is to make it a place where actors in the social economic field in the Baltic Sea area can find business partners.
At the meeting in Vilnius, the status of the materials that the current project has added to the platform was made. It was also outlined how the platform could develop further in the future. For example, it was agreed that the network together with the platform can combine physical activity such as study tours, accelerators together with social actors from several countries, making events and other forms of initiatives that strive to bring together the ties of the countries. The five partners will apply to Erasmus+ for a continuation of projects eventually with several partner countries from 2023 – 2024 with Estonia as lead partner.
In addition to the work assignments, project partners invited 2 two local SEs that participated in the meeting from LT for discussion on future collaboration and best practices sharing amongst other topics about current situation in Lithuania in the SE field.
The project has been running from September 2020 until August 2022 and the following five organisations have participated:
Stowarzyszenie “Baltycki instytut Spraw Europejskich I Regionalnych” – Poland
Social Entrepreneur in Denmark – Denmark
Socialiniu Investiciju Fondas – Lithuania
Social Innovation Center – Latvia
Involved NGO – Estonia

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”