Sustain Migrant’ Integration for Linking Networks in a Inclusive Europe

The project “Sustain Migrant’ Integration for Linking Networks in a Inclusive Europe” ispromoted by the Municipality of Fondachelli Fantina with the aim to create a thematic Network of Towns for raising awareness about priority matters linked to Migration, integration and Social Inclusion, fight against marginalization and the stigmatization of migrants.
The project wants to strengthen a strong, long lasting and fruitful cooperation between partner from Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovakia, Malta, ortugal, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria, more of them are countries where the Migration is an open debate with these countries are facing off. During the life of the project will be involved more than 600 participants, with a huge impact on direct and indirect participants. The wider partnership represents a platform for dialogue on the most important priority for EU and a challenge for European Society, stimulating new forms of civic participation and integration, for security and European cohesion.
The main objective of the project is to involve Municipalities and local realities, stakeholders, experts and CSOs, ONG that every day work with the emergency of welcoming and integration of Portugal, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Bulgaria, more of them are countries where the Migration is an open debate with these countries are facing off.
The main objective of the project is to involve Municipalities and local realities, stakeholders, experts and CSOs, ONG that every day work with the emergency of welcoming and integration of TOTAL number of promoters migrants and refugees, citizens and young people, in order to increase the awareness on the policies of Integration, Asylum, participation and political rights, intercultural communication and cultural mediator, minors, women for giving gender perspective, services to immigrants, healthy system.
The Project will attend to 5 Itinerant Events around Europe. The meetings will be scheduled with the organization of public debates, diffusion and exchange of the best practices, comparison, round table, Kick off, case studies, interactive workshops, life stories learned from the interview of migrants and view documentary, and creation of material documents disseminate with innovative tools (ICT) for the involvement of young people.
Please read below more from our project description:
Project template:
Activity plans
I.- Evento Italy – Fondachelli Fantina – 16 al 19 December 2019
I.I Activity programme
II.- Evento Malta – 18 to 21 March 2020
II.I Activity programme: